A programmer's approach to solving Wordle puzzles
TriDUG presentation on Drupal Installation Profiles
Here are the slides for a TriDUG presentation that I gave on creating Installation Profiles in Drupal.
How to migrate a text field into a link field in Drupal 8
In working on a project where we were migrating a Drupal 7 site to Drupal 8, I came across a case where we needed to migrate the data from what was a regular text field in the Drupal 7 site into a link field in the new Drupal 8 site. As it was, the YAML for the migration was treating the destination field as a text field as well:
Drupal login bookmarklet for Drupal 8
TriDUG presentation on Drupal 8 Module Development
Here are the slides for my TriDUG presentation on Drupal 8 Module Development.
TriDUG Presentation on upgrading to Drupal 8
Here's a PDF of the Powerpoint slides from the presentation on Upgrading to Drupal 8 that I gave at this month's TriDUG Meetup.
TriDUG Presentation on using Drupal's Migrate module
I gave a presentation on using the Migrate module to upgrade between major versions of Drupal at the November 2014 TriDUG Meetup.
TriDUG Presentation on using Features and Drush in Drupal developmemt
Here's a PDF of the slides of a presentation on using Features and Drush to build a professional development workflow that I gave at the November 2013 TriDUG Meetup.
You can also watch a screencast of the presentation.
Planning Drupal sites with a Build Spec
There's an interesting article by Larry Garfield (Drupal's crell) about the planning process that Palantir uses before building a Drupal site. A big part of that process is a build spec in a spreadsheet: