Content tagged with "Drupal"
TriDUG presentation on Drupal Installation Profiles
Here are the slides for a TriDUG presentation that I gave on creating Installation Profiles in Drupal.
How to migrate a text field into a link field in Drupal 8
In working on a project where we were migrating a Drupal 7 site to Drupal 8, I came across a case where we needed to migrate the data from what was a regular text field in the Drupal 7 site into a link field in the new Drupal 8 site. As it was, the YAML for the migration was treating the destination field as a text field as well:
Drupal login bookmarklet for Drupal 8
TriDUG presentation on Drupal 8 Module Development
Here are the slides for my TriDUG presentation on Drupal 8 Module Development.
TriDUG Presentation on upgrading to Drupal 8
Here's a PDF of the Powerpoint slides from the presentation on Upgrading to Drupal 8 that I gave at this month's TriDUG Meetup.
TriDUG Presentation on using Drupal's Migrate module
I gave a presentation on using the Migrate module to upgrade between major versions of Drupal at the November 2014 TriDUG Meetup.
TriDUG Presentation on using Features and Drush in Drupal developmemt
Here's a PDF of the slides of a presentation on using Features and Drush to build a professional development workflow that I gave at the November 2013 TriDUG Meetup.
You can also watch a screencast of the presentation.
Planning Drupal sites with a Build Spec
There's an interesting article by Larry Garfield (Drupal's crell) about the planning process that Palantir uses before building a Drupal site. A big part of that process is a build spec in a spreadsheet:
An Emergency and a New Module
It started with a frantic email from one of my clients. They had accidentally deleted a taxonomy vocabulary and needed help in fixing their site. As I looked into it, I saw just how much damage this had done. This site used Taxonomy Access Control Lite to let contributing users edit parts of the site, and the vocabulary that they deleted was used with this access control. This meant that the access settings were gone now for a couple thousand nodes.